What Pairs Well With Cheese, Such As Brie Or Blue Cheese?

Category: Dairy

Cheese, such as Brie or Blue Cheese, is a dairy product made from the curdled milk of cows, goats, or sheep. Brie is a soft, creamy cheese with a white rind and a mild, buttery flavor. Blue cheese, on the other hand, is a type of cheese that has been ripened with cultures of the mold Penicillium, giving it a distinct blue or green veining throughout. Blue cheese has a strong, tangy flavor and a crumbly texture. Both Brie and Blue Cheese are popular choices for cheese boards, salads, and sandwiches.

Flavor Profiles:

  • Creamy
  • Buttery
  • Mild

What goes with Cheese, Such As Brie Or Blue Cheese:

  • WalnutsThe crunchy texture and earthy flavor of walnuts complement the creamy and mild flavor of brie.
  • NutsThe crunchiness of nuts provides a nice textural contrast to cheese, and their flavors can complement or contrast with the cheese depending on the type.
  • HoneyThe sweetness of honey provides a nice contrast to the saltiness and tanginess of many cheeses, and can help balance out the flavors.
  • Fresh FruitThe sweetness of the fruit complements the saltiness of many cheeses, and the acidity can help cut through the richness.
  • Crackers Or BreadThey provide a neutral base that allows the flavor of the cheese to shine.
  • FigsThe sweet and jammy flavor of figs complements the strong and tangy flavor of blue cheese.
  • OlivesThe brininess of olives can complement the saltiness of cheese, and their meaty texture provides a nice contrast.
  • PearsThe sweet and juicy flavor of pears pairs well with the strong and tangy flavor of blue cheese.
  • Quince PasteThe sweet and tangy flavor of quince paste provides a nice contrast to the creamy and mild flavor of brie.
  • Jam Or Chutney – The sweet and tangy flavors of jam or chutney can complement or contrast with the flavors of cheese, depending on the type.