What Pairs Well With Cheese Plates?

Category: Dairy

Cheese plates are typically a selection of different types of cheese served on a platter or board, often accompanied by various accompaniments such as crackers, bread, fruits, nuts, and spreads. The cheeses can vary in flavor, texture, and origin, and may include options such as soft, creamy brie, sharp cheddar, tangy blue cheese, and nutty gouda. Cheese plates are often served as an appetizer or as part of a charcuterie board and are popular for entertaining or as a light snack.

Flavor Profiles:

  • Nutty
  • Earthy
  • Rich
  • Savory
  • Salty
  • Buttery
  • Umami
  • Tangy
  • Mild
  • Piquant

What goes with Cheese Plates:

  • NutsNuts, such as almonds or walnuts, provide a crunchy contrast to cheese, and their flavors can complement or even enhance the cheese’s taste.
  • HoneyThe sweetness of honey enhances the flavors of cheese, particularly strong or pungent varieties, and it adds a luxurious touch to any cheese plate.
  • Dried FruitsDried fruits, like apricots or figs, have concentrated sweetness that pairs well with cheese, and their chewy texture adds variety.
  • Dried FruitDried fruits such as apricots, raisins, or dates offer a sweet contrast to cheese, and their chewy texture makes for an interesting bite.
  • Crackers Or BreadNeutral-tasting crackers or bread allow the flavors of the cheese to shine, while also providing a vehicle for eating and a different texture.
  • GrapesThe sweetness of grapes complements the saltiness of many cheeses, and the juiciness provides a nice contrast in texture.
  • FigsThe natural sweetness of fresh figs pairs well with cheese, and their soft and juicy texture provides a delightful contrast.
  • OlivesThe brininess of olives can balance the richness of cheese, and their firm texture offers a contrast to the creamy or crumbly cheese.
  • Quince PasteThe sweet and tangy flavor of quince paste complements the saltiness of cheese, while its smooth texture provides a nice contrast.
  • Chutneys – Chutneys, such as mango or cranberry, offer a sweet and tangy flavor that pairs well with cheese, and their chunky texture makes for an interesting pairing.